Richard Man – Photography and Calligraphy

April 1, 2010

Moving to Our Own Site!

Filed under: Uncategorized — richard @ 9:09 am

Moving to !

February 25, 2010

The Fan Ho Light

Filed under: photography — Tags: , — richard @ 8:37 am

I have written about Fan Ho a couple times. Upon studying his photos, it is clear that he loves the backlight, it’s really lovely stuff the way he utilizes them. My guess is that most of his photos are taken between 2 to 5/6PM. The ability for Fan Ho to find the lights and the right subject is remarkable.

My wife with her her chai tea latte in one hand, and the Droid in another, what more does one need?

Another one:

February 20, 2010

New Portfolio and “Fractal Branches”

Filed under: Chinese calligraphy, For Sale, photography — Tags: , — imagecraft @ 11:58 am

Also a new portfolio here:

January 24, 2010

Joshua Tree National Park

Filed under: photography — Tags: , — richard @ 11:07 pm

10 years ago, my wife and I went to the Joshua Tree National Park and spent a magical few hours there. It’s a barren desertscape with joshua trees standing in rows like a Christmas tree farm. The trees are spiny, seems to be more like a study in geometric lines than botany.

10 years later, the sight is even more magical with the oncoming storm:

My main love is of course, B&W photos:

And here is the full set:


January 23, 2010

Salton Sea, 2010

Filed under: photography — Tags: , , — richard @ 11:55 am

Salton Sea is like nothing else. A ring of towns becoming ghost towns. Dying fish lined the shore, RVs being swallowed up. The smell is different. The sight is different. It is like nothing else.

Yet life goes on. May be from a NYC band doing a music video, or the local kids who are never tired of the yet another sunset.

The full set is here:

I hope you enjoy it.

January 20, 2010

It’s The End of The World As We Know It…

Filed under: photography — Tags: , , — richard @ 1:24 pm

What do you do when the World ends? Why, shoot a music video of course:

And here’s a rainbow for you:

January 18, 2010

The End of Time, Bombay Beach, Salton Sea

Filed under: photography — Tags: , , — richard @ 5:26 am

Salton Sea was dotted with vibrant communities a mere 30-40 years ago, but now the sea is dying, and so are fish, birds, and the communities. Each beach, each community, has a different story to tell. Today I only a few hours spent at the Bombay Beach. I even took a couple pictures of a rock band doing a music video in a decayed house, and a couple local kids driving a dune buggy, but those pictures have to wait until I get home and develop the film etc.

Meanwhile, enjoy some cell phone pics. I think it’s a Megapixel camera? Don’t know how to zoom though. These fancy phone/camera is too smart for me 🙂

More pics here:

I hope to get up at godawful hours to catch Sunrise at the Joshua Tree National Park.

January 2, 2010

Photos That Span Two Years…

Filed under: photography — richard @ 12:25 pm

Crossing over a year is a funny thing – my last set of photos spans two years! 🙂

We were taking photos of the lights on Christmas Eve. Then I took photo of our daughter taking photos…

(click MORE to see more photos…)


December 8, 2009

The Eye In The Woods

Filed under: For Sale, photography — Tags: , — richard @ 10:18 pm

I collected the Big Basin photos as a mini-photo essays. Check it out. Click:

Teaser pic 🙂

December 7, 2009

Grokking the Trees

Filed under: photography — Tags: , , , — richard @ 1:45 pm

To be  a successful photographer (or painter, illustrator etc.) of a particular subject, you must grok the subject. You must see from the viewpoints of the subject, as well as the viewpoints of the viewers who will look at the photograph later. What are you trying to say, besides that you have brought a camera?

I don’t think I grok trees yet. I spent 5 hours hiking in the Big Basin State Park, often “petting” the trees, trying to get them tell me their secrets.

But they are mysterious. Their life is their own. One day, I hope to grok it.

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